Working Waterfront

Animals are well protected in research

I read with growing dismay the guest columnist featured in the September 2021 issue of The Working Waterfront (“Animal welfare a victim in research”). It was, in almost every respect, incorrect and inflammatory. First, there are laws governing the use of animals in research beyond the Animal Welfare Act, including… SEE MORE
A pier in Jonesport. FILE PHOTO: LESLIE BOWMAN

Working Waterfront

Fellowship supports marine science Downeast

This July, two co-workers and I drove north and east to Great Wass Island. The island is connected by a bridge to Beals Island, off of Jonesport, and is the home of the Downeast Institute. I was excited to meet Hannah Greene, an Island Institute Fellow, and my mentee for the past year. Hannah lives on the island and supports the Downeast Institute’s education programs. SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Animal welfare a victim in research

The article “MDI lab gaining ground in tissue regeneration” in the August issue of The Working Waterfront raises concerns about this type of research. It has been going on for years with untold numbers of mice and giant axolotl salamanders, measuring up to a foot in length, having their limbs… SEE MORE