World Ocean Observatory

Working Waterfront

A sober measure of ocean resilience

When we talk about ocean resilience, we are talking about capacity to heal and sustain ocean systems over time when interrupted by natural events such as extreme weather, flooding, and earthquakes. The challenge is the intrusion of human activities such as nearshore development, agricultural run-off, industrial pollution, filling and dredging,… SEE MORE
detail of book jacket

Working Waterfront

Revisiting Isaac’s Storm

Isaac’s Storm: A man, a time, and the deadliest hurricane in history By Erik Larson Now that nearly everyone with a three-digit IQ has come to realize that “denial” is not just a river in Egypt, confronting the relentless challenges of climate change has emerged as a global priority, should… SEE MORE
Reading newspapers on a train.

Working Waterfront

Phil, aquaculture, and electric vehicles

Priceless Phil To the editor: Being a long-time admirer of Phil Crossman’s, I almost croaked with surprise and, ultimately, uproarious laughter at reading his Observer column in the July issue (“Remembering that first kiss”). This man is priceless. I do hope that he will be able to share other stories… SEE MORE
Rock Bound

Working Waterfront

We’re asking the public the wrong questions

Journalists spend a good deal of time in public gatherings at which officials solicit—or at least accept—comment on issues of the day. We also inwardly groan and surreptitiously roll our eyes when those public commenters are woefully misinformed. Because we often are deeply immersed in that sewer extension or big-box… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Why we must let salt marshes ‘breathe’

Salt marshes comprise more than 22,000 acres, or 34 square miles, in Maine. These ecosystems provide myriad ecological and climate services, such as habitat for wildlife, including endangered species, buffering of coastal flooding, and carbon sequestration. But, if you aren't a bird enthusiast, waterbird hunter, or a marsh ecologist, you… SEE MORE