Working Waterfront

Neighbors helping neighbors on islands

Twenty-five years ago, residents of Vinalhaven asked the Genesis Community Loan Fund for help. Without local options, their aging neighbors were often forced to leave the island for care in mainland facilities, separating them from their homes and families. Genesis support helped open the Ivan Calderwood Home in 2001, enabling… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Historic buildings live on

Not long ago—well, I guess that just because I remember it doesn't mean it wasn't long ago—Vinalhaven’s downtown was an architectural wonderland, lorded over by three Second Empire Victorian structures, each three stories, and a fourth building, marginally more magnificent, but lacking the Victorian’s mansard. This fourth edifice was the… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Readers write: Down-home writing, healthy tip…

Down-home writing To the editor: I thoroughly enjoyed David Platt’s guest column in the August issue about “just plain rowing.” He has a wonderful command of language which allows the reader to experience the rowing, the tug of the tide and wind. Immensely enjoyable, as is every edition of the… SEE MORE