Working Waterfront

We asked, you answered

I didn’t coin the phrase, but I wholeheartedly endorse its wisdom: If you’re not having fun editing a newspaper, you’re doing it wrong. It’s been great fun for me to edit The Working Waterfront these last seven-plus years. One of the joys, after working at weekly and daily newspapers, is that, as… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

The night of the comet

The past six months have been a time of introspection. For lack of places to go and things to do, I’ve spent more time than ever in my yard, exploring every nook and cranny with my daughter, tending to the gardens, spraying Deer Off in vain. We’ve found all the… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Remembering the lessons of the slave ship Amistad

L’Amistad, ironically Spanish for “friendship,” was a 19th century schooner engaged in the slave trade, transporting human cargo, Mende people, from Sierra Leone to Cuba for work on the Spanish-owned sugar plantations. In 1839, with 53 slaves aboard, those imprisoned passengers revolted, under the leadership of Singbe Pieh, also known as… SEE MORE