Working Waterfront

Hank Williams and my blue period

By Phil CrossmanWhen I was a teenager, I endured a blue period. Well—truth be known—it was a blue era, several years. And I was reminded, in recent weeks and particularly on the night of Saturday, Oct. 5, of what a companion country music had been during that long and anguished… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Poems of perception and place

Quarry: The Collected Poems of Peter Kilgore -- North Country Press, 2019 Review by Carl Little Over the last half century or so a number of major American practitioners of innovative verse have found a home and/or muse in Maine. The list includes George Oppen, Donald Wellman, Sylvester Pollet, Denise Levertov, Theodore… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

The latent image of Millinocket

Reflections is written by Island Fellows, recent college grads who do community service work on Maine islands and in coastal communities through the Island Institute, publisher of The Working Waterfront. Column and photos by Diana Furukawa A year ago, I took an afternoon walk down my street, following it across Millinocket… SEE MORE