Working Waterfront

Champlain, an explorer who doesn’t inspire shame

By Tom Groening It was one of the more absurd exchanges the Jerry and George characters have on the TV show Seinfeld, which is saying something. The topic was explorers. Jerry extols the achievements of Magellan. “Oh yeah, my favorite explorer. Around the world? Come on,” he says. “Why, who do you… SEE MORE
A scenic view of an island off Scotland.

Working Waterfront

It’s time for a national islands act

By Rob Snyder I couldn’t help but find the timing appropriate. Five years ago, the Island Institute added the banner “Strengthening Communities” to our website. And late last month, I found myself being escorted—by a bagpiper, no less—to a keynote speaking engagement at the second “Strengthening Communities Conference” in the… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Leaders: are they born or unleashed?

By Rob Snyder Leadership, I learned at a young age, was a trait you inherited at birth. Or you didn’t. I am fortunate to have come from a family that instilled in me the expectation, supported with a lot of loving communication, that someday, I would lead something. In my… SEE MORE