Students were eager to enter the reopened Longfellow School on Great Cranberry Island last September.

Working Waterfront

Small island schools better with TLC

Think back to 2008: summer Olympics in Beijing; signs of the Great Recession start to show; Barack Obama is elected president; Celtics beat the Lakers in the NBA finals. On Maine’s outer islands, teachers work tirelessly to maintain their one-room schools. Tirelessly and separately. Each school has a teacher and… SEE MORE
A striped bass hooked on a lure.

Working Waterfront

Why not restore stripers to Gulf of Maine?

Michael J. LittleI read with interest the Fathoming column in the June issue of The Working Waterfront (“Signs of spring in our rivers and bays”) about the resurgence of fish migrations in the rivers and bays of the coast of Maine. I think it is very exciting that these populations… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Cliff Island land conservation is no gift

By Doug Rideout Jr. Cliff Island, one of only 15 year-round Maine island communities where people are still able to make a living from the sea, produces a unique character that has continued through generations. It is worthwhile, then, to maintain this island heritage. In recent decades, the Cliff Island… SEE MORE
Fog off Grindle Point

Working Waterfront

Global warming, climate change are two issues

Rob Snyder’s “Field Notes,” entry No. 41 in the July issue of The Working Waterfront, “Climate decisions reflect on who we are as a nation,” concerned me. Rob is a respected friend of mine. Being a scientist/engineer, there is little doubt in my mind that CO2 emissions have warmed the… SEE MORE