Ivy Frignoca

Working Waterfront

Casco Bay temperature data details warming

Mike Doan, research associate with the Friends of Casco Bay, is often asked, “What were the highest and the lowest water temperatures this year?” Thanks to the organization’s continuous monitoring station, Doan is able to share those with confidence. He can describe water conditions in the bay on an hourly,… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Challenging the enduring weight of ‘local’

By Tom Groening For journalists, elections are something like Christmas morning. Actually, as the polls close and the counting starts on Election Day evening, it feels like Christmas Eve. Then the final tally is like opening the presents under the tree the next morning. Even those of us with some… SEE MORE
Richard Louv

Working Waterfront

Rebuilding the bond between people and nature

By Stephanie Bouchard When Richard Louv published his book, Last Child in the Woods, in 2005, he argued that it is fundamental to human well-being for people to spend time in nature. His argument launched an international movement. His new book, Our Wild Calling, takes that argument a step further… SEE MORE
Cheryl Crowley

Working Waterfront

Cliff Island’s quiet stalwart

Editor's note: This story first appeared in the 2019 edition of Island Journal. By Tom Groening//Photos by Lorinda Valls Cheryl Crowley offers a vivid metaphor for the challenges and rewards of working to support a small island community. “It’s like painting a house,” she says. “I hate all the scraping.… SEE MORE
Emily Lane of Vinalhaven is the new chairwoman of the Island Institute's board of trustees.

Working Waterfront

Emily Lane to lead Island Institute board

By Tom Groening Emily Lane is an unassuming groundbreaker. But groundbreaker she is. For years, Lane did seafood marketing on Vinalhaven, work she didn’t plan to make a career of, but living on an island, there it was. And in doing so, she earned respect in that male-dominated sector. Now, on being… SEE MORE