Eastern coyote

Working Waterfront

Coyotes on Chebeague worry islanders

By Donna Miller Damon It wasn’t interest in the workings of local government that drew nearly a hundred Chebeague islanders to a select board meeting. It was interest in the newest island inhabitant, the non-native Eastern coyote The meeting featured a presentation by Scott Lindsay, regional wildlife biologist for the… SEE MORE
Ryan Murphy hands out cards explaining how to turn on the Libby Island fog horn.

Working Waterfront

Libby Island a little too quiet for comfort

By Tom Groening Even with the ubiquity of radar and GPS, navigating the waters off the Washington County coast can be treacherous. The bays and estuaries are often foggy, and the region sees the most dramatic tidal range on the Maine coast. So when the fog horn on Libby Island… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

The latent image of Millinocket

Reflections is written by Island Fellows, recent college grads who do community service work on Maine islands and in coastal communities through the Island Institute, publisher of The Working Waterfront. Column and photos by Diana Furukawa A year ago, I took an afternoon walk down my street, following it across Millinocket… SEE MORE