Rhiannon Hampson, left, state director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, joins Kim Hamilton, Island Institute president at an event announcing the nonprofit being awarded two key grants. PHOTO: JACK SULLIVAN

Working Waterfront

Island Institute awarded USDA funding

Island Institute, a Rockland-based community development organization focused on island and coastal communities, has been awarded two key grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The nonprofit landed a Rural Community Development Initiative grant of $201,000 to support the Island Institute Fellows program. Island Institute Fellows in Brooklin, Tremont, and… SEE MORE
Cover detail.

Working Waterfront

Kozak’s Acadia

[caption id="attachment_38924" align="alignnone" width="650"] One of the many boat trip tours led by ANP ranger-naturalist Maurice Sullivan in the 1930s. Some of them featured singalongs. PHOTO: COURTESY ACADIA NATIONAL PARK[/caption] Images of America: Acadia National Park By Anne Kozak with Josh Winer and Sam Putnam, Arcadia Publishing (2023) The story… SEE MORE
Power and Control wheel graphic

Working Waterfront

Domestic abuse—voices and vocabulary found

After their break-up, Sarah noticed her ex-partner seemed to run into her more often than was coincidental. At the gym. At the grocery store. At daycare. It was no coincidence. He wasn’t that good at guessing where she might be. In fact, she learned, he had attached a tracking device… SEE MORE
Rock Bound

Working Waterfront

Columbus, Squanto, and our original sin

This, the December/January issue of The Working Waterfront, prints between a couple of holidays that are sort of related—Indigenous Peoples Day and Thanksgiving. The history embedded in these dates is worth reflection, especially as our understanding of it has evolved in recent years. The 500th anniversary of Columbus arriving in… SEE MORE