Tom Moore

Working Waterfront

Tom Moore and the Midcoast school of wheelbarrow poetry

By Dana Wilde Every Tuesday morning, Belfast’s poet laureate makes his way to the Belfast Free Library, where he holds “office hours.” He doesn’t like the phrase “office hours.” Sounds suspiciously like lectures might be involved. He’s stuck with it, though.  Anyway, a group of poets, of all shapes, sizes,… SEE MORE
Boats in a protected anchorage on Grand Manan

Working Waterfront

Maritime Canada as Maine’s cousin

By Tom Groening One of my college professors, Louis Simpson, won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1964. He was a wonderful teacher, and I sought out his work, even after graduating. One of his poems from the early 1980s has lingered in my memory. It’s from the perspective of… SEE MORE
A view of Mount Desert Island from Great Cranberry Island

Working Waterfront

National Park Service wades into worker housing issue

By Tom Walsh Maine’s uncounted thousands of seasonal workers on our coast are largely invisible. Nonetheless, they are essential cogs in the machine that makes possible the substantial revenues left behind by millions of visitors to Acadia National Park and other waterfront tourist destinations. Hotels, motels, B&Bs, restaurants, bars, gift… SEE MORE