Working Waterfront

A ‘common’ mistake, island schools

A common mistake To the editor: While I always enjoy reading The Working Waterfront and Tom Groening’s Rock Bound column, the one in the October issue has an error that I couldn’t let pass. The praise of Belfast Summer Nights is certainly justified; however the name of the “flat expanse… SEE MORE
Linda Norton’s “Belfast Harbor Tug” (1999), watercolor on paper 21 by 29 inches (now in a private collection).

Working Waterfront

Linda Norton’s red tugboat

When Linda Norton (1943-2018) moved to Camden in the late 1990s, she was returning to childhood haunts. She had spent summers there with her grandparents and had a deep attachment to the town. Born and brought up in Portland, Conn., after graduating from high school Norton spent time in England… SEE MORE
A pavilion at one of the parks that is part of Cobscook Shores. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

More land conserved Downeast

Cobscook Shores, a nonprofit organization run by a millionaire philanthropist from New York, has purchased another piece of coastal property in Washington County, the latest in a series of parcels in the area bought by the group over the past eight years. Cobscook Shores purchased the former Leighton farm, consisting… SEE MORE