Working Waterfront

Cliff Island land conservation is no gift

By Doug Rideout Jr. Cliff Island, one of only 15 year-round Maine island communities where people are still able to make a living from the sea, produces a unique character that has continued through generations. It is worthwhile, then, to maintain this island heritage. In recent decades, the Cliff Island… SEE MORE
Dave Morrison

Working Waterfront

Homing in on Dave Morrison

New York City just didn't agree with Dave Morrison. The music scene was a clutter of competition and costs he hadn't encountered playing nightclub circuits in New England. Living arrangements were expensive. Waiting tables at the Hard Rock Café was less than satisfying. Transportation was awkward, especially lugging around guitars… SEE MORE
Marissa McMahan in Venice.

Working Waterfront

Could green crabs become a Maine delicacy?

Invasive green crabs responsible for decimating Maine's soft-shell clam industry are being investigated for possible culinary purposes. Art conservator Jonathan Taggart, marine biologist Marissa McMahan, and Georgetown lobsterman Chris Jamison traveled to Venice last year to learn the secrets of harvesting green crabs for gourmet dishes. Young, soft-shelled green crabs are harvested… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

We’re not that much like Baffin Island

We were attending the safety seminar and enjoying the company at a small Midcoast fly-in a few months ago, largely because good cooking had been promised. Before the chili and such was served up, though, Jeremy, the Penobscot Island Air pilot with whom I flew to the event, approached me… SEE MORE