Working Waterfront

A roadway reminiscence

A few weeks ago, my wife and I happened to be driving on the Maine Turnpike between Lewiston and Augusta. It had been a long time since we’d traveled that stretch of highway, because living in Belfast, the logical route south is Route 3 to Augusta to I-95, then I-295… SEE MORE
Rock Bound

Working Waterfront

We’re asking the public the wrong questions

Journalists spend a good deal of time in public gatherings at which officials solicit—or at least accept—comment on issues of the day. We also inwardly groan and surreptitiously roll our eyes when those public commenters are woefully misinformed. Because we often are deeply immersed in that sewer extension or big-box… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

A trio of history nuggets

As I’ve confessed before, history intrigues me, and more so with each passing year. Maybe it’s a function of age, since there’s more to look back on than ahead to as I slide through my 60s. One form this interest takes is classic movies. And actually, I’ve been hooked since… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

My suburban homesick blues

If political pundits are correct, the presidential campaign is going to be fought through the streets and cul de sacs of subdivisions and housing developments. The outcome, observers assert, will hinge on what happens in the suburbs. It won’t be the first time this mid-20th century term will be waved… SEE MORE