The Working Waterfront

Readers write: Down-home writing, healthy tip…

Posted 2024-08-20
Last Modified 2024-08-20

Down-home writing

To the editor:

I thoroughly enjoyed David Platt’s guest column in the August issue about “just plain rowing.” He has a wonderful command of language which allows the reader to experience the rowing, the tug of the tide and wind. Immensely enjoyable, as is every edition of the The Working Waterfront, just down-home stuff written by real people.

Bill Macleod


Healthy tip

To the editor:

Sandy Oliver may remember me as an accompanist for the CODA Chorus with Dale Perkins and later as conductor. I remember our many years of collaboration with the Islesboro Community Chorus and loved the joint performances. It was always a joy to see Sandy.

Her “Journal of an Island Kitchen” columns in The Working Waterfront are the first I read. They are so informative and very entertaining. Regarding beets, the topic of the August column, I am eating them again because they are one of the beneficial foods for controlling high blood pressure.
Fortunately, I have always liked them. Unfortunately, I have always loved whoopie pies even more.

Ed Larson


Photo clarification

To the editor:

I was reading the August issue of The Working Waterfront and I believe I have some clarifying information regarding the vintage photo showing the corner of Congress and High streets in Portland (page 7). The sign in the photo that reads “Fountain Lunch” was actually on the Walgreens Drug Store, not the bus station, as the caption reports.

It was Walgreens, circa 1940, and eventually became a Dunkin’ Donuts, and was torn down circa 1973. The bus station was diagonally across the square from Walgreen’s. When I was a kid, the Nellie G. ran from Chebeague to Falmouth and then we took a bus that dropped us off at that bus station.

Donna Damon
Chebeague Island


Correction: An editing error resulted in the story about the Eastern Maine Skippers Program in our August issue incorrectly reporting that the program operated in night schools. The sentence should have noted that the program operated in nine high schools.

The Working Waterfront welcomes letters to the editor, which should be sent to Tom Groening at with “LTE” in the subject line. Longer opinion pieces are also considered but should first be cleared with the editor.